Payment methods

We offer you the payment methods listed below. Just choose the payment method that suits you best. The shipping costs are partly dependent on the chosen payment method. The prices listed in the respective offers represent final prices. They include all price components including any applicable taxes such as value added tax. Only in the case of cross-border delivery may further taxes (e.g. in the case of an intra-community purchase) and/or charges (e.g. customs duties) be payable by you in individual cases, but not to the seller, but to the customs or tax authorities responsible there. The delivery and shipping costs incurred are not included in the purchase price, they can be accessed via the „Shipping Costs“ page, are shown separately during the ordering process and are to be borne by you additionally.


Wir ziehen den Rechnungsbetrag Ihrer Bestellung von Ihrem hinterlegten Bankkonto nach der getätigten Bestellung ein. 

Auf Rechnung

Einfach bestellen und im Anschluss erst bezahlen. Diese Zahlungsart wird nur bestimmten Kundengruppen freigeschaltet.


Zahlen Sie ganz einfach per Kreditkarte.


Noch schneller und sicherer bezahlen mit ihrem PayPal-Konto.